Saturday, August 29, 2009

There I was . . .

For years I have told stories to illustrate some point that I may have been trying to make. They have always been the same stories - to the point that whenever I begin one now, Paula will inform me that of their over use. So, there we were (the plural of "There I was") sitting our places in the KGC listening to how we could tell stories that wouldn't just illustrate some vague point about that which really didn't matter anyway, but might actually bring someone a step closer to a right relationship with God. What a thought! Now, what I need to do is figure out how to relate those stories where and when they need to be related.
We are progressing right along toward the completion of orientation. We have finished our fifth week and we are told that the high point is yet to come. Those who have presented material for orienting us toward the mission field have all been top notch. Those among you who know of and understand about Lottie Moon will want to know that she is getting her money's worth. We are also growing deeper into the soil of spiritual knowledge and understanding.
Last night we spent about an hour on the computer SKYPEing with our kids in Korea. It wasn't the first time we had "skyped" but it was a first for them. What a hoot to get to go and wake our grandkids up from the comfort of our accomodations in Virginia ;~{b)

Please joining us in praying God’s Word from Matthew 9:38 and 1Tim 2:2:

Pray for us that the Lord who is in charge of the harvest to send more workers into His fields.

Pray for Angela Merkel, Chancellor of Germany, and all who are in authority so that we can live peaceful and quiet lives marked by godliness and dignity.

Stay tuned for another exciting episode, when you may hear our Hero say, "Ya know Ray and Paula, I want you to understand what really matters, so that you may live pure and blameless lives. . ."

1 comment:

  1. I knew you would like the storying sessions Ray! You tell great stories by the way;)
