Thursday, August 6, 2009

Sleep is not a problem

We are in the midst of another FANTASTIC week here. For the first 3 days this week not only did we have Elbert leading us in devotions each morning, but we had Brother Jerry as the "featured speaker" We all sat and soaked up his immense wisdom on the subject of spiritual warfare - and we thought he was going to spend 3 days taking about Ephesians 6:10-18.
We have figured out that we have been pretty lax when it came to our prayer life. For those of you who are married - do you remember when you first fell in love with your spouse? All you wanted to do was spend time with that person. If you could have said, "Well, I do love you more than anything else and I will spend exactly 23 minutes a day either with you or thinking about you and I will only talk to you in the most formal of language, when I do talk to you." Do you suppose your relationship would have flourished?
Well, boys and girls we have come to that place in our relationship with our Lord and we have determined to make a strong and absolute commitment to spend significant time with God and in His Word . . . the first thing every daily. We are getting up at 4:30AM to pray and read before we go for our walk. . . we need you help to keep us faithful. Please don't hesitate to ask us how are we doing. As I see it, this isn't just training for going overseas - NO! This is training for our life before a holy and righteous God who loves us so much that He sent His one and only Son to buy us back by dying on a cross. But you know what, God didn't just stop there. He raised Jesus from the dead and broke the power of sin that enslaved us. We are learning to live this out everyday.
Well, I need to finish a couple of little things before we go to bed - sleep will not be a problem!

1 comment:

  1. Sleep was never a problem for us either and still isn't!! I don't remember if it was Jerry or another speaker...there are many who speak on this subject but one of them really spoke to me when he stated something to the effect of...God was our Creator...without Him we wouldn't even be here with our families and friends. How much time do we fellowship with Him? Ouch! That really changed my life. We love you both and are praying for you to stay healthy and enjoy your time the way...are there lots of kiddos in your quad? I have been praying you get to love on some children while you are there.
