Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Ich bin ein . . .

Yesterday Paula and I took the placement test online for our language school. According to their website, inLingua is a challenging language learning experience. No kidding! I am so proud of Paula! For someone without any formal language training, she not only got through the placement test, but scored well enough to get a placement in the A1 level!

"Your test resulted in a placement level of A1 in the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages. On completion of level A1, you are able to give information about yourself (name, origin, nationality, where you live and work). You can make yourself understood in conversations and ask and answer questions on familiar topics. You are able to write a postcard and fill in your address, nationality etc. on forms. When people speak slowly and clearly, you can understand familiar words and simple sentences which relate to yourself or your immediate area of life. When reading, you understand familiar names and words as well as simple sentences."

I was placed at the end of the A2 level in spite of my "advanced degree" in TEFL.
"Your test resulted in a placement level at the end of A2 in the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages. On completion of level A2, you are able to make yourself understood in everyday situations, exchange simple information and formulate simple needs. You can use simple sentences to describe your family, people you know, your living situation, your education as well as your present and future occupation. You are able to write short notes, memos and simple personal letters. You understand short, simple everyday texts (e.g. advertisements, prospectuses) as well as spoken information dealing with very familiar matters from your everyday life."

This puts us one step closer to reaching to lost of Munich with the love of Jesus.


  1. Wow..I am very impressed! Great job you two!!

    P.S. You can also decorate your blog with free backgrounds on

    love you both....your FPO time is nearing;)

  2. My prayers are with you both as always. You are much more advanced than I am as I don't even know how to do a blog. I am glad that writing on it is simple or I would have to send you an email. I will be praying specifically for your protection and safety as you travel and for the dentist work to go smoothly. God Bless Both of you. Thank you so much for the kitchen table and chairs, I have already used the saw horses.
